Veränderung: Eine schwedische Großstädterin will raus aus Stockholm

Moving from the big city to the countryside🌲 Get out of the urbanity and the everyday city noise. Daniela thinks so too. I meet her at the Swedish organic farm 80 km west of Stockholm👋

Who is behind this adventurous dream?

Daniela: Grew up in the capital of Sweden. She loves to read psychology books, dreams of her own little house on the edge of Stockholm and today she answers our 10 questions about her new life plan!

Here is a small comparison to help you estimate the three European capitals 👇

950 thousand

Citizens in Stockholm (2019)

864 thousand

Citizens in Amsterdam (2019)

3,67 million

Citizens in Berlin (2019)

A new phase of life begins

#1 You are currently looking for a property near Stockholm. Why don’t you want to live in the city anymore?

In the past i came closer to the nature. That is the main reason why I want to move there now. I want to live a life i really want to live and get out of the hamster wheel💡

Life in the city means for me stress, pollution and radiation. I don’t want to have all these bad facets of city life anymore and I am now trying to have a more healthy lifestyle. And that outside the city🏡

#2 Are you looking for a house with a garden? What was the biggest obstacle for you to put your plan into action?

One problem could be finding the right piece of land. It is not easy to find a house with ground in the perfect location for a certain price.

A visit in the nature means high vibration and happiness for me. Besides, my problems feel much smaller afterwards

#3 What do you find so exciting about a house outside the Swedish capital? 

I am very excited to be able to enjoy my outdoor life🌄 and have more time for myself. It would be so nice to wake up in nature, spend more time in it and grow my own food🍓

hiking in nature makes me happy and has a calming effect on me

#4 Why do you want to leave your apartment in the city centre?

I don’t like it so much anymore. It would be perfect to live close to nature🌲 Life in the capital worked for me for quite a while. But that has changed completely.

The combination of nature and city would be ideal for me✨

Plants yes, animals no?

#5 Do you also want to keep animals and grow fruit and vegetables on the land?

Just pets like cats and dogs. In my own green home I would like to grow cucumbers, peppers, sweet tomatoes🍅, cale and various herbs.

#6 You live a vegan diet. Would you want to keep animals on your property to eat them or to consume for example eggs or milk. (Keeping conditions at a high level like that of pets)

Not to eat them⛔ I am actually also vegan because of the health benefits.

🐔 Chickens: If the chickens are of an original species and not the highly bred ones as in industrial farming, I can imagine to keep a few of them. They would only need to lay eggs very rarely for my needs.

🐮 Cows: I can’t imagine that at all. I am also a convinced fan of the countless alternatives, such as the Swedish brand Oatly or Alpro🌱 My favourites are oat milk and coconut milk.

You accept a longer journey time?

#7 You still want to work in Stockholm, but live outside. To what extent will life change for you when you are further away from your workplace?

The route will be longer. In the future I will spend about one to one and a half hours commuting to my workplace. Probably first by bike to the station🚉 and then by train.

At first, I will continue to work full-time in order to financially support the investment in the house. After maybe two years I definitely want to work less hours💻 in Stockholm.

But we’ll see how exactly that can be arranged. So it remains exciting🎉

„I love traveling by train. Besides, you get a very special, great feeling when the landscape glides past you

#8 You could take a whole year off from work and then return to exactly the same position in the same company. Is this possibility normal in Sweden?

I can’t answer for the whole of Sweden. But: I know many who have done it. I guess it depends on the company😎

Have the right mindset

#9 What makes a happy life for you?

Steady social life in the countryside and lots of time in nature. Also spending time with family and friends.

„The time will pass anyway, you can either spend it creating the life you want or spent it living the life you don’t want. The choice is yours

a clever quote from the world wide web

#10 Anything else you want to emphasize?

Let’s take small steps towards the dream life. Step by step we can slowly but surely approach🍀

You want to change your life completely🌊 or a little bit? Then do not rush and go your way to your favorite life. Believe in yourself, listen to your heart and be brave💚 No matter what your family or friends will think🙈

Tack så mycket för din tid !
(Thank you very much for your time)

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